Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-01-04T13:00:00+00:00


The clock struck midnight. Detective Casey and Nathan stood on either side of the interrogation room's table. The rain from the storm outside still dripped off their jackets, puddling onto the cold linoleum floor beneath them. Across the table sat Marcus, his massive frame dwarfing the chair he occupied, water and mud streaked down his suit like a macabre painting.

"Let's start at the beginning," Casey said, her eyes narrowing as she studied the giant man before her. "What was going on back at your house?"

Marcus stared back at her with unfocused eyes, his pupils dilated to the point where they nearly swallowed the whites. His hands, shackled to the table, twitched every so often as if trying to break free. He reeked of wet earth and something more pungent, an odor that made both detectives wrinkle their noses.

Nathan leaned in closer to Marcus, his face a mask of controlled anger. "You'd better answer my partner. This isn't the time for games."

"Games?" Marcus slurred, a sardonic grin playing across his lips. "This is no game, agent. You've stumbled into a symphony of madness, and I'm just one of many instruments."

Casey inhaled deeply to steady herself. She could feel her partner's tension rising, and knew it was essential to keep him grounded. Nathan's instincts were invaluable, but his anger could sometimes rile the suspects.

"Alright, Marcus," Casey said, forcing calmness into her voice. "Let's try this again. What were you doing out there tonight?"

Marcus tilted his head slightly as though listening to some distant melody only he could hear. "I was conducting, you see," he murmured dreamily. "A cacophony of chaos, a prelude to the grand finale."

"Enough with the riddles!" Nathan slammed his hand down on the table, making Marcus flinch. "We're not here to decipher your cryptic nonsense. Just tell us what we want to know!"

Casey placed her hand on her partner's arm, feeling the tense muscles beneath her touch. She needed to keep him focused and composed. "Marcus, we need you to be clear with us. People's lives are at stake."

"Such pretty words," Marcus chuckled, his laughter rattling in his chest like broken glass. "But I fear they will do little to stop the crescendo that has already begun."

Casey clenched her fists, frustration boiling up inside her. They were getting nowhere, and time was running out. She needed to find another way to reach Marcus, a way to break through his madness and extract the truth.

Casey studied the giant man across from her, his wet suit clinging to his muscular frame. Muddy water pooled around the cuffs, securing Marcus to the table, a sharp contrast to the sterile white floor of the precinct. His dilated pupils betrayed the drugs still coursing through his veins, and she wondered if they could glean any useful information from him in this state.

"Tell us about the cult," Nathan demanded, his voice low and dangerous. "Who's behind the attacks?"

"Ah, yes," Marcus replied, a twisted smile forming on his lips. "The maestro behind it all... A virtuoso of violence, you might say.


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